Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pimp Your Stash #3 - Ends Friday 09-04 (3 Winners will be chosen!) **** CLOSED ****

PhotobucketThis week there will be 3 winners! Each random winner will win a KnickerNappies Loopy Do insert in the size of their choice! This weeks question is "What do you like best about Loopy Do inserts and why would you love to win one?"

Guidelines for Entry
-In order to participate in our weekly contest and validate all extra entries you must first answer the weekly question.

-Please, be sure to be logged into your email account when you post your comment for us to be able to contact you if you win (that is with the option called OpenID. If you have a blog, be sure to be logged into the account linked to your blog for an easier way to contact you....

-Each contest runs from Sunday 12am to Friday 9pm.

-Winners are chosen using, notified on Saturdays and winners name also posted on Blog.

-Winners have 7 days from contest end to claim their prize.

-Participation is open to mamas and papas worldwide! Anyone and everyone is welcome to join in the fun, however we are not responsible for lost packages and prizes that do not reach their destination will not be replaced.

-How to earn extra entries:

* Become a FAN of Earth Angels Diaper Co. on FaceBook
*Join our Yahoo/Newsletter Group
* Follow Us on Twitter
* Follow Diaper Discussions Blog
* Place the Diaper Discussions Animated Banner on your site or Blog
* Tweet About the Giveaway (post with your comment your twitter id, url, and twit time)
* Advertise our Giveaway in your blog, forums or site (post with your comment the direct link where you posted about it).
* Contribute an Article, Product Review or relevant story regarding Cloth Diapering. 10 extra entries are given for contributions submitted during the week of the contest.
* Comment to any post on the Diaper Discussions Blog (one entry per each comment)
* Register (or being already registered) in our Affiliate Program (please post your affiliate link with your comment).

--- Please post a separate comment for each extra entry and let us know which you've chosen to do in that comment ---

Good Luck!!



Anonymous said...

what I like about the loopy is that its made out of hemp...
I would like to win one because I dont have any hemp inserts

Anonymous said...


Gigi said...

I love that they are trim! I have a new loopy-do that hasn't been used too much, so the jury is still out. I have a couple of super-do's I use for overnights that work great!
ruth dot gray at gmail dot com

Gigi said...
ruth dot gray at gmail dot com

Lewru said...

I've heard they're great and that the hemp is the secret to dry times! Great giveaway!

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

My favorite thing about the Loopy Do is the hemp and I would love to win one to try them on my DS who is starting to be a super soaker!

Slee said...

I like that they are all lopy so as to dry faster for hang up drying. I heart that.

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

I love my one loopy-do insert! I love that is holds so much and it's trim!

mommainflipflops AT

Jen said...

I like that they are a mixture of microfiber and hemp. I would use this for my son who will be born any day now!

lsnellings said...

I have never used a loopy do insert but I would love to try one! I am a huge fan of hemp!

hosiewosie said...

I've heard good things about the superdo and loopydo but never tried them, I have a heavy wetter so would love to try them!

Lisa said...

I like that the LoopyDo is a combo of microfiber and hemp. I have a couple of SuperDo inserts, but I haven't used the LoopyDo inserts yet.

Lisa said...

I just posted a comment on the "Confessions of a CD Addict" article.

Irene said...

I love the fact that they have hemp as part of the insert. The microfibre will quickly pull the liquid in and the hemp will drink all the liquid up. Great combination!

Jessica said...

I like that they are so well rated by so many mama's...I am right now needing some inserts and a few moms told me to order this brand.

Erin said...

These look soooo absorbent! I'd love to try out hemp inserts when my baby gets here (although it might make me spoiled!!)

hosiewosie said...

I commented on "Fluff in the Spotlight #3- KnickerNappies Lopy Do & Super Do Inserts"

Christina's Cookies said...

The hemp is what I love most about Loopy Do's! My 10 month old is a VERY heavy wetter so the one hemp insert I own is our best friend!! I could SOOO use another!!

Christina's Cookies said...

Just joined the Yahoo/newsletter group (scherkas1).

ccherkas AT gmail DOT com

Christina's Cookies said...

I have your button on my blog (

ccherkas AT gmail DOT com

Sarah said...

I love the fact that these inserts are very absorbent but do not add a lot of bulk like some inserts. My favorite daytime diaper combo is a Knickernappies One Size with a LoopyDo, so I would LOVE to win another one to add to my stash! (

Amy said...

I love how thin they are and would love to have a good overnight option for my son. We currently use disposables, but I would love to change that.

Rebecca1217 said...

I love the loopy do, it works great as an overnight insert, and I don't have to double stuff with it so it leaves my baby with a trimmer bottom. I would like to win one because they work with all my pocket diapers and I'd love to have a couple of more for overnights.

Rebecca1217 said...

I left a comment under Fluff in the Spotlight #3- KnickerNappies Lopy Do & Super Do Inserts

Karawompous said...

I have Microfiber inserts, but have been meaning to add some hemp to my stash-- I think the combo sounds fantastic!

I am a fan on facebook (karawhitworth), and also follow the group on yahoo (karawompous)

Crissy said...

I like that you're trim and made of hemp. Perfect for my heavy wetter for overnight.

brumley05 at msn dot com

Crissy said...

Have your animated banner on my blog

brumley05 at msn dot com

Crissy said...


brumley05 at msn dot com

Crissy said...

Advertised on my MOM forum page for this giveaway

brumley05 at msn dot com

Unknown said...

I've never heard of Loopy and I would LOVE to try out some inserts. We have tried the thirsties and BGs and I'm not loving them. These look nice and absorbant. :)

Jennifer said...

I love that the Loopy Do inserts are so thin and absorbant! I would love to win one b/c I don't have one and it would be GREAT to use at nighttime since my little man is a heavy wetter!

Jackie said...

i love how they are both hemp & microfiber!! i'm sure it could absorb a ton!!!!

Jackie said...

i blogged this giveaway

James & Andrea said...

I like the concept of double stuffing without actually having to stuff two pieces of cloth into the pocket AND quicker drying time!

Crissy said...


brumley05 at msn dot com

Coccinelle said...

What I love the most is the fact they are made in hemp and I want to win one because I am currently building my stash!

coccinelle a t michelf d o t com

Coccinelle said...

I follow you on twitter!


coccinelle a t michelf d o t com

Coccinelle said...

Tweeted at

Tamara said...

I love that the super do is super absorbent without being super thick, genious!

Jill said...

I love that they are made of hemp, I've heard good things and would love to try it for myself.

Crissy said...


brumley05 at msn dot com

Jessie Kaitlin said...

I've never used the loopy inserts, but I've heard hemp is wonderful!

Jessiekaitlin at hotmail dot com

Jessie Kaitlin said...


jessiekaitlin at hotmail dot com

Crissy said...


brumley05 at msn dot com

Sara W. said...

I have heard great things about hemp.
i would love to try because I have never use them.

TeamOSM said...

I like the natural fibers, and would love to win one of these inserts!

Sarah said...

I joined your Yahoo/Newsletter group!


Sarah said...

I commented on "Doing diaper laundry can be simple"

( - I really need to get going on that blog I've been meaning to start!)

Unknown said...

Tweeted @ 6:47pm PST

Anna said...

We don't have any of these in our stash! I like that they are trim and would love to win one to try it out!

Shawna said...

I like that the loopy is only stitched on two sides; faster drying time! I want to win one because I don't have one.

Crissy said...


brumley05 at msn dot com

Megan R. said...

I like the absorbency of the LoopyDos with the hemp and the microfiber, but that they are still trim. They are bulletproof for us!

susansmoaks said...

i like them because Loopy-Do© 2G Prewashed Inserts feature the best of both worlds in one trim, fast-drying insert. Made with 2 layers of thirsty hemp terry plus two layers of microfiber, these inserts are made to hold a lot!

susansmoaks said...

i forgot to say why i want to win, i want to win because these look awesome and we would love to try them out!

facebook fan
tony l smoaks

Kathy P said...

i love that they absorb a lot of liquid and id love one for my niece :)

Cassidy said...

I don't know know if I like it... I've never tried it... Which is why I'm entering!!! But I do like hemp inserts!

Cassidy said...


Cassidy said...

joined yahoo group!
(with email

Mama G said...

I love them (well I only have the ones you gave me!) because I hate folding up the microfiber towels, and this absorbs way more!

Julie said...

Awesome! I'm glad you like them. Does the KND OS fit Zan well? I know he's a big

lilyk said...

What I like best about Loopy Do inserts is that they're made from hemp. I would love to win one because it looks very useful.


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