Friday, February 26, 2010

Great Cloth Diapering Article at Associated Content!

Today on Twitter I stumbled across a link to this great little article on AC titled Why I Chose to Switch to Cloth Diapers, by Stacey Paule.

It's a quick read but a good one. I think a lot of mamas can relate to the reasoning behind her decision to switch to cloth. Because of the economy and rise in cost of so many necessities more and more families are switching to cloth simply to save money rather than because they're trying to be "green."

Personally my reasons for cloth diapering were originally to save money because the cost of diapering twins is insane. But once I got started it really felt good to know that I was not throwing hundreds of diapers into the landfills and our switch to cloth ended up inspiring us to try other eco-friendly alternatives as well.

Anyhow, if you're over at AC be sure and check out this great little article.



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