This weeks mandatory question for your first entry is "What types of closures do you prefer, aplix(velcro) or snaps?"
Guidelines for Entry
-In order to participate in our weekly contest and validate all extra entries you must first answer the weekly question.
-Please, be sure to be logged into your email account when you post your comment for us to be able to contact you if you win (that is with the option called OpenID). If you have a blog, be sure to be logged into the account linked to your blog for an easier way to contact you....
-Each contest runs from Sunday 12am to Friday 9pm.

-Winners have 7 days from contest end to claim their prize.
-Participation is open to mamas and papas worldwide! Anyone and everyone is welcome to join in the fun, however we are not responsible for lost packages and prizes that do not reach their destination will not be replaced.
-How to earn extra entries:
* (1 entry) Tell us why you'd like to try a Happy Heiny's OS Diaper?
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* (10 entries for approved contributions) Contribute an Article, Cloth Diaper Review or relevant story regarding Cloth Diapering. 10 extra entries are given for contributions submitted during the week of the contest. (Please do not contribute articles that were already published elsewhere.)
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--- Please post a separate comment for each extra entry and let us know which you've chosen to do in that comment ---
Good Luck!!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»While we are still trying to find the right cloth diaper for my 9 week old, I have heard really great things about the Happy Heiny and would love to try it.
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I prefer snaps! They hold up much better over time, and they provide a good fit for my son!
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I have tried HH OS and LOVE them. They are really great diapers and I need to double my stash of cloth diapers because we are expecting another baby in February!
es1237 at gmail dot com
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So far I like the velcro best.
We are a split household; I prefer snaps because they hold up longer, but my husband prefers aplix because it is easier to use.
saywah_j at yahoo dot com
Instead of trying different brands of diapers, I filled our stash with 1 brand and now I have read about other diapers and want to try them too! I have read quite a few good reviews on Happy Heiny's.
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I prefer snaps.
I would like to try HH because I love their colours & prints!
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So far have only tried velcro but having CD'ed for a yr now they are getting quite fuzzy so I am very interested to try a diaper with snaps for our new LO after she is born.
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I have heard great things about the Happy Heiny's so I have been wanting to try them out.
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Right now I prefer aplix for the best fit. Although once my baby learns to take off her diaper I will probably change my preference to snaps!
pumpkinbears at gmail dot com
I would love to try a Happy Heiny's OS Diaper because they sound so soft!
pumpkinbears at gmail dot com
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I am still up in the air about which closure I like better. I like the aplix for the nice tight fit, but it doesn't stand up as well. I like the snaps for that reason. Plus, my son won't be able to take them off. But, if I had to choose, I'd choose aplix (especially on Happy Heiny's since they have held up very well so far)
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I prefer Aplix because sometimes the snaps are just not in the right place, no matter how many there are. My kid doesn't have an issue with aplix so I don't have that problem... yet!
I already use HHOS (they're my favorite) but I'd love to try some new colors. They look beautiful
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I prefer snaps because I have had soooooo many issues with the Aplix on my BG and various other diapers. HH aplix has held up well.
I would like to try a HH OS diaper with snaps because I like my HH OS aplix. I wonder if I will like the snaps just as much.
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SNAPS hands down !!!!!! My son is a pro at removing velcro silenttributary(at)yahoo(dot)com
I have two happy heinies a rocky road but now they're really working well silenttributary(at)yahoo(dot)com
I haven't had my baby yet, so I haven't tried velcro or snaps, but I'm leaning towards snaps because they are more durable and I want to be able to use these dipes for baby #2 as well.
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I'd like to try this diaper, because I think that you have to try a bunch of different kinds to get the right fit on your baby.
I prefer snaps b/c my dd can get out of aplix!
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I love the fit I get with aplix but I love the durability of snaps.
I typically prefer aplix - it's easier to use and I can usually get a great fit. Snaps do tend to last longer and are easier to care for, though.
I would love to see how the Happy Heiny one-size diaper fits on my skinny little guy.
I love the fit and look of HH OS diapers. It's in the rotation of our nighttime diapers too because of the absorbency and fit!
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So far, I really like snaps, but I am wanting to try out Velcro as well. Thanks for the chance! bekki1820cb@gmail.com
I would like to try the Happy Heiny because I have heard great reviews and would like to see if they are as wonderful as I have heard. Thanks! bekki1820cb@gmail.com
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I'd like to try a Happy Heiny's OS Diaper because they have great colors and I haven't tried them yet so want to see how well they work on my son.
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I'd love to try HH because I'm looking for a new aplix diaper for my husband to use.
I prefer snaps but my husband prefers aplix
I would like to try the one size diapers, because I don't currently have any, and I have heard good things about them.
I prefer snaps, because they don't wear out, and they are harder for a baby to undo.
I have never cloth diapered and am anxious to start, so I'm not sure if I would prefer snaps or velcro. Velcro seems easier for me, but I've seen some Moms say that snaps are harder for baby to undo- so maybe snaps?
I would like to try Happy Heinys because as I said I would love to get into cloth diapering, so this will be my first time trying if I win.
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I prefer velcro (aplix) as DD won't usually lay still enough for snaps, and DH hates snaps. =)
I actually already have 3 HH diapers, but I got them all used off a swap board, and would LOVE to have a new one of my very own!
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I think I am going to be an aplix gal. The adjustablity just seems to necessary. I have both in my stash so we will see when the LO arrives in 2-7 weeks!
I would love to try a HH One Size because one size just seem to make so much sense! I really hope I find a OS that works for my LO. I have several different ones to try but not a HH yet! I also love that they have 4 settings so maybe I can use it longer!
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So far I've only used aplix and I love it!
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I haven't tried a HH before and I know they are local to SD so I'd love to give them a shot.
myerscathy [at] hotmail [dot] com
I prefer snaps. They are more durable and dont get caught on your other diapers or wipes like aplix!
I would like to try the Happy Heinys OS because I only have 1 Fleece-lined diaper in my stash and would like to try other fleece-lined diapers to compare.
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I prefer aplix over snaps because it's more customizable for adjusting.
I love the prints!
Depending on the situation, I prefer aplix or snaps. I feel like aplix works better for night time. I usually use snaps during the day time.
I've never tried one before and I hear they're good!!
I want to try a happy heinys because I'm fairly new to CD and am trying to sample a little of everyting. HH are one brand that I have not had the pleasure to try yet.
I prefer Snaps!
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So far we only have snap diapers so I guess you could say we prefer them. I decided to invest in snaps because I had heard that they hold up better!
szogediek at yahoo dot com
We have one Happy Heiny OS diaper and I love it for overnight because my HUGE SuperDo overnight insert fits in it really well. I'd love to have another!
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I like snaps, just because there are no rough sides to scratch the baby. I would love velcro it the sides were covered so they could not get to baby's skin.
I prefer snaps!
I like both, snaps are more durable but velcro is easier to fasten quickly
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I have a friend who uses HH and like them, I'd love to try one too!
I love Nubunz!
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
I think I'd probably prefer the snaps, since they seem a bit harder to get off than the velcro. Won't know for sure until our next is born and we try them though!
garyandalesha at cox dot net
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I'd love to add one of these to my stash (of 2! LOL!) before we have our next!
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Commented on "Will the Octomom switch to cloth diapers? Re-do"
Commented on "Fluff in the Spotlight: Happy Heiny's OneSize Diaper"
Commented on "New! 'Cutest in Cloth' Monthly Photo Contest"
I thought that I loved Aplix closures. They are quick and easy when you are in a hurry. But NOW I am beginning to love snaps. Especially since my 4 month has mastered unhooking her diaper covers just by repeatedly lifting and kicking her legs!
wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com
I would love to try a Happy Heinys OS because I love their bright, vibrant color choices!
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I am expecting but have one of each type of diaper (snaps and velcro). I think I may prefer the snaps in the long run.
I am interested in trying out a variety of cloth diapers once my little girl is born.
I have 1 happy heinys now the peace bears and LOVE it. I would love to get another to add to my stash. THanks
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Opps.. I guess my answer to the question didn't go through... so I am torn. I think that snaps are more durable and easier with the wash, but dh hates them. Aplix are easier for my baby on the move and more adjustable. I mostly have aplix
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
I prefer snaps during the day & velcro when I am half asleep!
lil.red.and @ gmail dot com
Commented on "Happy Heiny Mini Onesize Diaper? Say what?"
Commented on: "Happy Heiny Mini Onesize Diaper? Say what?"
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Happy Heiny Mini Onesize Diaper? Say what?
pumpkinbears at gmail dot com
I definately prefer snap closures simply because of the durability
I am definitely interested in trying all the different kinds of diapers out there- including this one! I love one size diapers in snaps so this sounds like it could be a winner too!
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I have used velcro alot which i'm fine with but I think I'd prefer snaps. Especially when the children figure out how to take off the velcro!
brumley05 at msn dot com
I'd like to try this as I'm currently expecting and would like to use cloth diapers from the start. I've heard some nice reviews of Happy Heiny diapers too!
I definitely prefer the snaps as I find they stay closed better than velcro
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