Thursday, October 28, 2010

Have you ever had trouble with cloth diapering? Knickernappies needs your help!

From the Knickernappies Blog

We're super excited to kick off our "Dirt on Diapering" Cloth Diaper Survey!  We want to know what the most common reasons are for why families choose not to cloth diaper full-time, why they take breaks, why they quit for good, or just plain feel like throwing in the towel.

The more you share the more you help us help future cloth diaper users.  From what types of diapers you prefer, how you got started, to what kind of detergents you use...We want to know it all!

What else?  Just for participating in our quick little survey you are entered into a drawing for great prizes.  There are also prizes for those who refer the most participants so make sure to grab the code for our survey graphic over on the left side of this blog and start sharing it with your friends.  Make sure they tell us you sent them!

So, are you ready to take the survey?  Click here >THE DIRT ON DIAPERING SURVEY<

The Knickernappies Team

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