Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pimp Your Stash #14-CLOSED

ThisPhotobucket week's Pimp Your Stash Winner will receive a Thirsties Pocket All-In-One in the size of their choice!

This weeks mandatory question for your first entry is "If you stuffed your Thirsties Pocket AIO, what would you stuff it with?"

Guidelines for Entry
-In order to participate in our weekly contest and validate all extra entries you must first answer the weekly question.

-Please, be sure to be logged into your email account when you post your comment for us to be able to contact you if you win (that is with the option called OpenID). If you have a blog, be sure to be logged into the account linked to your blog for an easier way to contact you....

-Each contest runs from Sunday 12am to Friday 9pm.

-Winners are chosen using, notified on Saturdays and winners name also posted on Blog.

-Winners have 7 days from contest end to claim their prize.

-Participation is open to mamas and papas worldwide! Anyone and everyone is welcome to join in the fun, however we are not responsible for lost packages and prizes that do not reach their destination will not be replaced.

-How to earn extra entries:
* Tell us whether you already use Pocket AIO's and which ones you have?
* Become a FAN of Earth Angels Diaper Co. on FaceBook
* Subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter
* Join DD on Flickr & add photos! 1 entry for each photo, up to 5 per week.
* Follow Us on Twitter
* Follow Diaper Discussions Blog
* Place the Diaper Discussions Animated Banner on your site or Blog
* Tweet About the Giveaway (use #clothdiapers in the tweet and link to the GiveAway) comment with a url to the tweet.
* Advertise our Giveaway in your blog, facebook, forums or website (post with your comment the direct link where you posted about it).
* Contribute an Article, Product Review or relevant story regarding Cloth Diapering. 10 extra entries are given for contributions submitted during the week of the contest. (Please do not contribute articles that were already published elsewhere.)
* Comment to any post on the Diaper Discussions Blog (one entry per each comment)
* Register (or being already registered) in our Affiliate Program (please specify where you placed your affiliate banner).

--- Please post a separate comment for each extra entry and let us know which you've chosen to do in that comment ---

Good Luck!!


mrscamacho said... 1

I'd stuff it with one of those new bamboo/zorb inserts - trim but absorbent!

Jill said... 3

I would stuff my thirsties pocket with hemp inserts.

Pumpkin Bear said... 5

I would stuff a thirsties AIO pocket diaper with hemp for the extra absorption!

pumpkinbears at gmail dot com

Pumpkin Bear said... 6

I have a couple pocket diapers for when dad does the diaper changes. I have a bum genius, thirsties and a kickernappies. I could always use a couple more though so that I don't have to wash them every day.

pumpkinbears at gmail dot com

Pumpkin Bear said... 9

I have your button on my site:

pumpkinbears at gmail dot com

Pumpkin Bear said... 10


pumpkinbears at gmail dot com

Pumpkin Bear said... 11

I advertised the giveaway on my blog:

pumpkinbears at gmail dot com

nsees said... 14

I would stuff mine with a hemp insert- WAHM made!

nikkiseesholtz @

nsees said... 17

We do have some pocket diapers that we already use- BG 3.0, Haute pockets, rumparooz, and blueberry. I like them all for different reasons!

nikkiseesholtz @

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said... 19

I have a Drybees pocket AIO that I really like to use as is or stuff with more if needed!

Amber said... 26

I only have microfiber inserts to stuff with at the moment but I am looking into buying some hemp inserts :)

Attila & Tamara said... 31

I would probably stuff it with a hemp insert or maybe a small loopy do for overnight.

Attila & Tamara said... 32

I don't have any Pocket AIOs yet, but it is something I have been HOPING to try!!!!

Attila & Tamara said... 37

Placed the Diaper Discussions Animated Banner on my Blog:

Heather said... 41

I haven't used Thirsties AIO pockets, but they'd be fun to try!

hmt90a at

zealandsmom said... 45

I have lots of pockets. BG 3.0 Smartipants, drybees, knickernappies and FB OS

Lisa said... 49

I would stuff it with a microfiber insert. I know hemp is more absorbant, but since I line dry everything my hemp inserts are always stiff.

Nichole said... 50

I think I would try to stuff it with the bamboo inserts.

N_Tarpley2004 at yahoo dot com

Nichole said... 51

I do not have Thirsties pocket AIO diapers. I would love to try them though!

N_Tarpley2004 at yahoo dot com

fancygrlnancy said... 54

I have some Microfiber inserts. But I would love to get some hemp or bamboo.
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

Nichole said... 55

I commented on the "Which fold.." post.

N_Tarpley2004 at yahoo dot com

fancygrlnancy said... 56

I do have some pocket aio's, I have a BG, a couple FB, a preston's pants, and a couple others. I don't remember to brand of the others I got them on ebay. But I don't have any thirsties pockets.
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said... 61

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

Jill said... 64

I have some BG AIOs that baby has just outgrown and are in storage now!

Attila & Tamara said... 65

Commented on:

Fluff in the Spotlight: A Farewell to Thirstie's Pocket All-In-One!"

szogediek at yahoo dot com

The Fam said... 67

I love using premie prefolds for inserts!
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

Crissy said... 68

I would stuff it with hemp, hemp, and more hemp. Or maybe some bamboo.

Crissy said... 74

Advertised on my MOM forum board

AEK said... 76

I would stuff it with Babykicks hemp insert. Thanks for the giveaway.

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

Megan R. said... 79

We would stuff with either a loopydo, or some monkeysnuggles inserts. Her inserts are the absolute best and SUPER trim!

Megan R. said... 80

We have 2 pocket AIOs, and they are both Drybees. I really like them, but have never stuffed them. I should try it, we could probably use them overnight, then!

Anonymous said... 84

I would stuff it with hemp inserts.

Laura C


Anonymous said... 85

I haven't tried them, but I would love to.

Laura C


Anonymous said... 87

Following you on Twitter (a2editor).

Laura C


Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... 89

Since I'm new to this, I'd probably go with what the site recommended, which is the Thirsties Fab Doublers (cotton velour). Although after reading what other experienced cloth diapering moms are saying, maybe hemp is the way to go?
garyandalesha at cox dot net

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... 90

I dont use any AIOs yet, but plan to use them when our next is born... This Thirsties AIO sounds wonderful to try as my first! =)

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... 94

Commented on "Fluff in the Spotlight: A Farewell to Thirstie's Pocket All-In-One!"

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 99

I would stuff it with what I have on hand and that would be the microfiber inserts.

Tamara said... 104

I would stuff the Thirsties with microfiber during the day and hemp for naps and night time.

Crissy said... 106

Commented on "Fluff in the Spotlight: A Farewell to Thirstie's Pocket All-In-One!"

Crissy said... 107

Commented on "Another Great Article: The ABC's of Going Cloth"

Tamara said... 108

I'm currently not using any pocket AIO's, but I do have pockets and AIO's individually. I have a few Bum Genius AIO's and pockets by Bum Genius, Smartipants, Fuzzibunz and Haute.

jdeemarie said... 113

If I didn't mind the bulk (like at night), I'd stuff them with prefolds. During the day I'd use hemp inserts.

jdeemarie said... 114

I have a couple Blueberry stuffable AIOs that I love for the church nursery.

Attila & Tamara said... 121

Commented on:

"Another Great Article: The ABC's of Going Cloth"

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Megan said... 123

We don't currently have any Pocket AIO's, but would love to add some to our stash.

Attila & Tamara said... 129

Commented on:

"Just Julie: Remembering my very first cloth diapers!"

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Laura said... 142

If you stuffed your Thirsties Pocket AIO, what would you stuff it with?

bamboo or hemp doublers, or a tri-folded pre-fold

Jess (Life with BooBoo and Bug) said... 144

I would stuff it with my Thirsties hemp inserts that I use with my prefolds.

wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

Jess (Life with BooBoo and Bug) said... 145

The only pocket AIO we own is a bumgenius 3.0. And we only have one of those but we love it.

wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

Hgrace said... 150

I would stuff it mostly likely with a prefold or possibly some bamboo doublers :) Thanks for the contest!!

Heather S said... 153

Button on my blog

hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com

Sarah said... 154

I would stuff it with microfiber or a prefold.

patchesreverse at

Anonymous said... 160

I have pockets & AIOs but no pocket AIOs. Oh, well I do have a pocket AI2 from Otter Blotters but I don't use the pocket - I just use the snap-in soakers (which are also stuffable!!).

Gigi said... 169

I would use a microfiber insert. I don't have microfiber hate. thanks!

emily said... 175

I use mommy's touch one size, but am always looking for new stuff. I would also probably stuff with a hemp insert or zorb. Zorb is amazing stuff. Holds a ton. Love it.

Lauren said... 176

Would definately use a hemp insert as they are extra absobent.

Anonymous said... 178

I have a lot of cotten prefolds so I'd just use what i have. I only have 2 pocket covers and I use what they came with.

Katy W. said... 179

I would probably stuff them with inserts made from old flanne shirts and diaper flannel.

MEGAN MORRIS said... 180

I would and do stuff my thirsties with a micro terry cloth, i hear hemp is really absorbent also


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