Sunday, April 18, 2010

Just Julie: Ever sent a diaper or diapers to their grave?

I bet you we've all done it, sent a diaper into the beyond, ended it's career of covering little bums. I'd have to say my first experience in sending diapers to their grave could be considered a mass murder.

I was new at cloth diapering, very new, and hadn't yet got my washing routine down. In fact, I don't think I had any clue how long I could let them sit in the dry pail or what to do. I think I may have even washed some with my regular laundry at first, that was how clueless I was.

Well I distinctly remember going into the laundry room, which was basically part of our garage and not inside the house, and realizing I had a load of diapers in the pail that needed washing and I couldn't remember how long they'd been there. I swore it had only been a couple days but heck, I had twin infants and every day was a blur so I really couldn't be sure.

I dumped them in the washer and did my routine as usual. Fill, Soak, Rinse, Wash, Dry...When it came time to fold and stuff the diapers I realized the black mold of death had set in on them and I was super bummed. They weren't unusable I suppose but looked ugly and I couldn't stand seeing my babies in diapers that had mold stains. In all I think only about three were sent to their retirement and the others survived.

It was honestly the last time I did that. I decided that the whole "outta sight, outta mind" thing was not a good idea with the diaper pail. I needed it somewhere that I wasn't going to forget about it. From then on I pretty much washed diapers every day.

Have you ever sent any diapers to their death? If so, share your story with us I'd love to read them!


Jill said... 1

I have not, as of yet, but I have a rumparooz that delaminated (it's really a technical term).. and I should be getting a replacement soon, and I'm considering using the bum cover as a 'creek wading' swim diaper. I've heard you can use regular RaR without insert for a swimmi, so why not a bum- bum cover? If it doesn't work, it won't have hurt anything!

Julie said... 2

Sure there's nothing wrong with using a pocket diaper or cover as a swim diaper. They only think that happens is sometimes they fill up with water and can seem like babies got a big water balloon on their butt, but that depends on the diaper. The other thing is that too much chlorine exposure could damage the diaper but in that case maybe you could just designate one a swim diaper.

Beccalynn said... 3

I don't know if my other comment went through so I'll try it again:

This is the funniest, saddest story I've ever heard! I laughed out loud but was heartbroken for you at the same time!

And about the wool soakers, I recently learned how to make them and I've been whipping them up ever since! They're so much easier than they seem they would be and so much fun!!!

Heidi Maxwell said... 4

Only one so far. It was a Dark Blue Fuzzi Bunz Pocket. It was well used and past it's warranty. It delaminated AND the elastics all went on it. I think it may be in my sewing pile somewhere in hopes of salvaging the liner or some other sad idea.

I currently have 6 diapers in line to get new leg elastics. Who knows when I will ever have time for that! Murphy's Law would tell me that I'll have time right around the time when my babies are both potty trained. Heh.

The W. D's said... 5

How frequently should diapers be washed? I never thought they would MOLD! Ahhh. I usually just wash them every 3 days. is that a "no-no"?


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