Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pimp Your Stash #7-DryBees Hybrid AIO (ends 10/02)

This weeks Pimp Your Stash winner will receive a New DryBees Hybrid Pocket AIO in the size of their choice. This weeks question is "If you had a Hybrid Pocket Diaper what would you stuff it with?"

Guidelines for Entry
-In order to participate in our weekly contest and validate all extra entries you must first answer the weekly question.

-Please, be sure to be logged into your email account when you post your comment for us to be able to contact you if you win (that is with the option called OpenID). If you have a blog, be sure to be logged into the account linked to your blog for an easier way to contact you....

-Each contest runs from Sunday 12am to Friday 9pm.

-Winners are chosen using, notified on Saturdays and winners name also posted on Blog.

-Winners have 7 days from contest end to claim their prize.

-Participation is open to mamas and papas worldwide! Anyone and everyone is welcome to join in the fun, however we are not responsible for lost packages and prizes that do not reach their destination will not be replaced.

-How to earn extra entries:
* Take a look at the Drybees Hyrbrid and tell us what size you'd need.
* Become a FAN of Earth Angels Diaper Co. on FaceBook
* Join our Yahoo/Newsletter Group
* Follow Us on Twitter
* Follow Diaper Discussions Blog
* Place the Diaper Discussions Animated Banner on your site or Blog
* Tweet About the Giveaway (use #clothdiapers in the tweet) comment with a url to the tweet.
* Advertise our Giveaway in your blog, forums or site (post with your comment the direct link where you posted about it).
* Contribute an Article, Product Review or relevant story regarding Cloth Diapering. 10 extra entries are given for contributions submitted during the week of the contest. (Please do not contribute articles that were already published elsewhere.)
* Comment to any post on the Diaper Discussions Blog (one entry per each comment)
* Register (or being already registered) in our Affiliate Program (please specify where you placed your affiliate banner).

--- Please post a separate comment for each extra entry and let us know which you've chosen to do in that comment ---

Good Luck!!


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Unknown said... 1

I would probably make something home made(most mine are anyway) probably a piece of fleece wrapped in a t-shirt or flannel, or another microfiber insert/towel.


Danielle Englund said... 3

I don't usually double stuff AIO pockets. I suppose if we used cloth overnight it would be different, but I can't stand the smell! I would use it as is.

fancygrlnancy said... 4

I would stuff it with an insert. I have a couple of extras.

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said... 5

well the size that I would need I guess is large from the chart. It's kind of hard because I have recently got some diapers in large thinking they are what I need, but they are too big. My guy is a skinny tall baby.
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said... 9

bwneyes100 AT hotmail Dot com

fancygrlnancy said... 10

posted on fb
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

blondeseries2 said... 12

I've heard that hemp is super absorbent, so I might try that for overnights. Otherwise, I wouldn't stuff it unless I needed to!

TeachinAuntie said... 14

I have lots of options for stuffing, preemie prefolds, microfiber inserts, handmade inserts, store bought microfiber towels....all depending on the usage would make a difference!

Tracey said... 20

Is that a trick question? Hybrids don't need to be "stuffed" as the insert is attached. For night time I would probably add some extra padding by useing some of my home made bamboo inserts.

jdeemarie said... 29

Hopefully a microfiber towel would add enough absorbancy. If it needed more I would probably use a hemp insert during the day and a prefold at night.

jdeemarie said... 30

The diaper would be for the new little one on the way. Since I tend to have larger babies, I would want a medium size, which would probably last us until potty-training.

cathy said... 37

I would try some prefolds because I already have them

myerscathy [at] hotmail [dot] com

cathy said... 38

Only a size large would work for us at this point!

myerscathy [at] hotmail [dot] com

Crissy said... 47

I would only stuff for night and I'd use a hemp insert

brumley05 at msn dot com

Crissy said... 53


brumley05 at msn dot com

Crissy said... 54

Advertised on MOM forum page

brumley05 at msn dot com

The Fam said... 68

I would need a large. I have some great homemade inserts from microfiber towels!

Hippie4ever said... 69

Definitely hemp!! Its the only thing that helps my son almost make it through the night. Actually that's a hemp and cotton insert...I need to try just hemp!

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 72

I would stuff it microfiber insert. I've not have any leaks since I triple stuff them overnight on one of my diapers!

momof3dolls at hotmail dot com

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 73

I would need the size large but I hope it fits. I don't have much luck on the perfect size for my little one :(

Erin said... 80

in a perfect world, i'd probably stuff it with a hemp insert.... but in real life, i'd stuff it with a prefold :)

erinsl at gmail dot com

Jill said... 84

I would probably only need to stuff for overnight and then I would use microfiber--as that's all I've got right now but I'm planning to buy some hemp so I would try that too.

Jill said... 85

I would need a small. Well, the baby would need a small, I would need much larger, lol!

Lewru said... 86

Well, maybe a prefold or a microfiber towel from the automotive section. I haven't actually Cd'd yet (little man gets here any day now!) but from what I've read those are some good choices.

Mindy said... 90

I would probably stuff it with one of the baby inserts I have on hand. That's what I usually do!

Mindy said... 95

I tweeted, but don't know how to leave the url. It says, Enter the Diaper Discussion Giveaway to win a New DryBees Hybrid Pocket AIO!" and shows on my website at

Unknown said... 102

Its hard with the size, my daughter is almost 15lbs but I think I'd go with a Medium so she can grow into it


Unknown said... 107

I either use Swaddlebee's bamboo flats, some prefolds or some homemade inserts I made.

Anonymous said... 114

Hemp since I have a heavy wetter.

Laura C


Anonymous said... 115

I would need a medium.

Laura C


Anonymous said... 116

Twitter follower (a2editor).

Laura C


Anonymous said... 121

I joined your Yahoo group.

Laura C


Denise said... 122

If you had a Hybrid Pocket Diaper what would you stuff it with?

I really like hemp, so I would probably stuff it with an infant size hemp prefold.

Denise said... 129

posted on facebook

Stacy Whalen said... 130

I probably wouldn't stuff it because my baby's not too heavy of a wetter.
stacywhalen at yahoo dot com

Wendy said... 136

I would stuff with either a prefold or doubler insert

wndyprz8 AT aol DOT com

Crissy said... 138


brumley05 at msn dot com

Crissy said... 139

Commented on "Fluff in the Spotlight: DryBees Hybrid AIO"

brumley05 at msn dot com

Libby said... 142

I think I'd need a medium, but my skinny guy doesn't fit well in a lot of dipes w/o leaks.

Gigi said... 152

I have lots of extra microfiber inserts, I would use one of those. thanks!
ruth dot gray at gmail dto com

Gigi said... 154

I would probably get a small or a medium. DD1 has enough dipes for now and I'm building a stash for DD2. thanks!
ruth dot gray at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 162

If I had this diaper I would probably stuff it with an extra bum genius newborn insert that I have. I would only probably need to stuff it with an extra insert if I were to use it overnight though.

Unknown said... 163

I would probably get the size small diaper for our upcoming twins as babies need more diapers in the earlier stages.

Unknown said... 167

I tweeted about the giveaway:

mrsmumma at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 168

I advertised in my blog:

mrsmumma at gmail dot com

4torock said... 186

I would try my bumG inserts- I have only tried these diaps and prefolds and still have trouble at night:( so would LOVE to try these!! :) thanks much!

Unknown said... 190

I would probably stuff it with a super-doo nighttime insert. I think we are going to have to switch to a different cloth diaper . . . and I am concerned what we will use for night time!

Unknown said... 196

I tweeted about the giveaway, but I am clueless as to how to show you the actual URL for it!

Crissy said... 197


brumley05 at msn dot com

Crissy said... 198

Commented on "The Cloth Diaper Geek Explains it all!"

brumley05 at msn dot com

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