Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pimp Your Stash #5 - Ends Friday 09-18 (Charlies Soap Laundry Powder & All Purpose Cleaner) *** CLOSED ***

PhotobucketThis weeks winner will receive a 3lb Bag of Charlies Soap Laundry Powder & All Purpose Spray Cleaner complements of Charlies Soap! This weeks question is "Tell me how often you wash your diapers and why you'd love to win the Charlies Soap!"

Guidelines for Entry
-In order to participate in our weekly contest and validate all extra entries you must first answer the weekly question.

-Please, be sure to be logged into your email account when you post your comment for us to be able to contact you if you win (that is with the option called OpenID). If you have a blog, be sure to be logged into the account linked to your blog for an easier way to contact you....

-Each contest runs from Sunday 12am to Friday 9pm.

-Winners are chosen using, notified on Saturdays and winners name also posted on Blog.

-Winners have 7 days from contest end to claim their prize.

-Participation is open to mamas and papas worldwide! Anyone and everyone is welcome to join in the fun, however we are not responsible for lost packages and prizes that do not reach their destination will not be replaced.

-How to earn extra entries:

* Become a FAN of Earth Angels Diaper Co. on FaceBook
*Join our Yahoo/Newsletter Group
* Follow Us on Twitter
* Follow Diaper Discussions Blog
* Place the Diaper Discussions Animated Banner on your site or Blog
* Tweet About the Giveaway (use #clothdiapers in the tweet) post with your comment your twitter id & url.
* Advertise our Giveaway in your blog, forums or site (post with your comment the direct link where you posted about it).
* Contribute an Article, Product Review or relevant story regarding Cloth Diapering. 10 extra entries are given for contributions submitted during the week of the contest. (Please do not contribute articles that were already published elsewhere.)
* Comment to any post on the Diaper Discussions Blog (one entry per each comment)
* Register (or being already registered) in our Affiliate Program (please specify where you placed your affiliate banner).
*Become a FAN of Charlies Soap on FaceBook!

--- Please post a separate comment for each extra entry and let us know which you've chosen to do in that comment ---

Good Luck!!


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TeamOSM said... 1

I wash every two days. I would love to win Charlie's Soap because it's what I currently use to wash all of my laundry, and I love it!!

TeamOSM said... 5

I'm a fan of Charlie's Soap on Facebook!

TeamOSM said... 6

I'm a fan of Earth Angels Diaper Company on Facebook.

Anonymous said... 7

I was about every 3 days..I would like to win it cause I would like to try it.

Brie H said... 8

I wash every two days and I would love to win because I'd love to try Charlie's soap so that I can find out if it is worth buying

Jackie said... 9

I wash every other day for 2 reasons: (1) I dont want the diapers to sit too long dirty and (2) i have 2 in cloth so run out of diapers quick! I would love to try Charlies b/c I have heard so many great things about it!!!

fancygrlnancy said... 17

I wash about twice a week. I would love to win the charlies soap because I have never tried it.
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said... 23

bwneyes100 AT hotmail dOT com

Lewru said... 24

My little guy will be here in October, but from what I've read I plan to wash every two days. I'd really like to try Charlie's Soap, too!

Jackie said... 27

blogged giveaway

Jittabug522 said... 28

I was every two - three days. I would love to win Charlie's Soap because I use it for everything! Just this weekend I used it to clean the beige fabric tops of my dining room chairs. They look like new!

Jittabug522 said... 34

Gave a teet shout out:

Anonymous said... 36

I wash every other day right now, as my stinker has outgrown almost all his diapers. When they say small up to 16 lbs, they mean it.. LOL I've been wanting to try Charlie's soap, but my main priority is re building a stash, so this would be AWESOME to win!

The Eco Chic said... 37

I wash every 2-3 days! I would love to try Charlies because I heard it rocks and I've never used it!

Iisha said... 38

We wash every 5 days and I would love to win because heard so much about Charlies Soap but have never tried it.

2+some Dearborns said... 43

I wash every day. I am still building my stash. Even though if I stretch, I could go 2.5 days, I don't want to risk it!

harmonywear1818 said... 45

I wash every other day. We are still building up our stash so I hope to wask every three days. I have used Charlie soap before and it worked very well so I would love to get some more.

2+some Dearborns said... 50

Also forgot my email is
I am a Fan of Charlie's Soap on FB

2+some Dearborns said... 51

I grabbed your button for my profile page (no blog sorry)

Mommy Nelson said... 54

I'd love to win Charlies soap because we're new to CD'ing and we haven't tried this soap yet!

as said... 57

I wash my diapers every other day. I would love to win Charlie's soap because it is my favorite ever!

as said... 60

posted giveaway on my blog

Anonymous said... 63

I wash every 3 days. I'd love to win because I've heard such great things about Charlies and we are a cloth diapering family! :)

4torock said... 64

I wash almost every day ( we still are building up our stash of diaps!:)...) and LOVE luv Charlies's soap- its what we use !!! thanks

Katie said... 68

I wash dipes every two days, and they come out brand-new soft & clean every time. I'd love to win a supply of Charlie's Soap because I wash all my clothes in it. My husband and children have sensitive skin, and only Charlie's Soap keeps them eczema-free!

Jill said... 72

The plan is to wash every other day when the baby gets here. I'd love to win because I hear lots of great things about Charlie's Soap and I'd like to try it out.

shang09 said... 73

I wash diapers twice a week with 2 in dipes and once a week with just 1 in them. I would love to win some Charlie's soap! I've heard so much about it, but money is tight and that's an expense I couldn't do. I haven't found the "perfect" detergent yet.

shang09 said... 75

Posted it on my forum. It's private, though, so you may not be able to see it.

Erin said... 76

when the baby arrives, I'll prob wash every-other-day-ish. I'd love to try some Charlie's Soap b/c my two African children have pretty dry, sensitive skin, and i'm curious to see if it'd help.

Lisa said... 80

I wash diapers every 2-3 days. I would love to win Charlie's soap, because I just recently decided to switch from Tide Free & Clear HE to Charlie's Soap. I'm hoping it will help my cloth diapers perform better.

CherryBlossomMJ said... 81

I was about every other day, not because I have to, but because the time usually avails itself, and that way there is no smell and stains life easier.


HollyM said... 82

I wash every other day. I would love to win b/c I HATE stink in my dipes and I know Chralie'sw keeps the stink away!

jdeemarie said... 89

We wash, on average, every other day. It usually ends up a good fit in my washing machine. I've never tried Charlie's Soap, but I've heard great things about it.

Natural Mama said... 96

i would love to win charlies soap because i have been looking for a natural alternative to wash my diapers in. We are currently using our regular detergent, but i dont think its the best for my babies sensitive skin.
We wash every other day.

Amber Liddle said... 98

I was every day or two. I have been using a soap I don't really like and have heard great things about Charlie's soap, so this would be great to win!!

Anonymous said... 103

I usually wash every other day with Maggie's liquid Soapnuts, which I LOVE, but I have tested Charlie Soap and would like to try it for a longer period of time and compare to my fav. detergent.

Anonymous said... 105

I have the animated button on my sidebar:

Anonymous said... 107


Anonymous said... 108

I wash about three times a week. I would love to try Charlie's soap b.c I've heard nothing but good things about it.

Heather S said... 112

I wash every 3 and 4 days... Tuesday Night and Saturday morning. I've always wanted to try Charlie's Soap! This would give me a chance!

Rebecca1217 said... 117

I wash every third day. I would love to win Charle's soap because I was using ALL free and clear until I read your blog post that it was bad for the diapers.

Jaime said... 120

I wash every two to three days. I had a sample of Charlie's soap that I liked a lot. It got my diapers so clean. I didn't end up buying anymore yet because I haven't ran out of the other diaper safe detergents I have.

James & Andrea said... 127

I wash every other day. I use Charlies soap for all of my laundry, and I'd love to get more! I am enjoying it so far and am so glad to have chemical free clothes!

Mindy said... 131

I wash every other day. I would like to try a gentler soap for my family!

The Fam said... 132

I only wash every four days! I HATE hanging diapers! I would love to try Charlies. Thanks!

5webs said... 133

I wash diapers every two days, because I have three in diapers. I would like to win the Charlie's Soap, because I am familiar with the product, and I am interested in buying it, but I want to try it out first.
Alicia Webster

5webs said... 134

I am a fan of Earth Angels Diaper Co on Facebook
Alicia Webster

5webs said... 136

I am a fan of Charlie's Soap on Facebook
Alicia Webster

Laura said... 140

i'm a charlie's facebook fan, too! i love charlie's soap!!
kyrie24 at gmail dot com

Maggie said... 141

I wash every 3 days. I would love to try Charlie's because I'm unsure about my current detergent. Thanks!

Metal Momma said... 143

I don't use cloth diapers. I would, but it's just not possible for us. It would cost more money since we do not have a washer/dryer in our apartment, and no hookup for one.

Unknown said... 148

I wash my diapers every other day and I'd love to win som because we are currently using our regular laundry soap (ALL scented) on our diapers

Matt and Sera said... 153

I wash my diapers every other day. I would love to win Charlie's Soap because I have had some ammonia/build-up problems with the detergent I use now even though it is a recommended brand. I have also heard really great things about Charlie's Soap!

Unknown said... 155

I wash my diapers every other day. I would love to win Charlie's Soap because I have had some ammonia/build-up problems with the detergent I use now even though it is a recommended brand. I have also heard really great things about Charlie's Soap!
(I posted this earlier but under the wrong blog id by accident)

Talina @ Harvest Of Daily Life said... 163

I've never tried charlies but would love to as I am not jazzed about my current soap.

I was about every other day since I only have about 20 diapers. My stash is growing one day at a time.

I line dry my diapers too, no dryer used here! The sun removes all the stains.

Tamara said... 164

Well, I only have three diapers right now, so I wash them every evening. I would love to win some Charlie's Soap because I'm on a very tight budget and need something to wash my diapers in.

Ludmilochka said... 168

I wash every day. I would love to win Charlie's Soap because it's what I currently use to wash all of my laundry, and I love it!!

llinda29 said... 169

I do not wash diapers. I would like to win Charlie's Soap because I like to try new products.

Liz said... 176

I'm actually not a cloth diaper user, but I'm very interested in becoming one!

Deborah Wellenstein said... 178

Diapers are washed every day;I need Charlie's Soap to help defray the expense! Thanks!

Anonymous said... 179

i would love to win this for my son and dil...they have a new baby..

Stacy Whalen said... 180

I was about every other day, and I'd love to win Charlies sopa b/c it will work on all my laundry including diapers.

Laura said... 184

I'm not a cloth diaper user (yet), but when I become one, I'll probably wash them every 2-3 days.

Janette said... 190

I wash every two or three days. I'd like to try Charlie's because I've heard such great things about it from quite a few people.

Madam Pince said... 191

I'm a grandma now and my granddaughter is out of diapers, but I'm a devoted user of Charlie's Soap and have been for two years. It cleans absolutely everything, gets out stains, and best of all, eradicates every single odor. I have five dogs, so that's important.

Jessie Kaitlin said... 192

I wash diapers every other day. I'd love to win because we are still adjusting for stinky diapers

jessiekaitlin at hotmail dot com

Jessie Kaitlin said... 195

button on my blog

jessiekaitlin at hotmail dot com

susansmoaks said... 196

we wash every other day. I would like to win charlie's soap because it sounds awesome!

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