Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What if my diapers are repelling? Use Dawn...

One wise mom's advice for stripping diapers that are repelling is:

A quick scrub with DAWN (or other grease cutting dish detergent) – it works like a charm!

On a clean, dry diaper, apply a little bit of dawn to the inside, add water, work into a lather by hand (one diaper at a time), rinse and then launder.

Be sure that you are using a reduced amount of detergent as detergents leave residue (the more you use, the more residue you can expect) and the problem will likely return. Avoid scented detergents as these are specifically designed to leave residues. The thought that the more detergent you use the cleaner your diapers will be, is not the case. Also be sure to do a second rinse after the wash cycle to rid as much detergent as possible.

Some “for baby” detergents can also be problematic as plant oils tend not to rinse out as well.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Trick for Neutralizing Ammonia Odor

I recently read one Moms advice on killing the ammonia odor in her cloth diapers. She says that Lime juice naturally kills bacteria and neutralizes ph, so she puts a tablespoon of it in the final rinse when she washes her cloth diapers.

Give this tip a try and respond letting me know if it works for you!

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